Saturday, April 23

millions of thanxs

 da lame sangat x entry kat la bz
so,ade pluang ni mnyemak la jup
bgun pgi pom  awl sgt,slalu nye cti cbok nye nak bgun lmbat p nth ae skunk nieyh cm dh brubh sume
gud2,congras 2 Ms.Amy Farain 
y bkl celebrate bfday ag bape hri ea..?
(ala,bt2 tye lak..!!?)
6 hri ag menanty hri tue.. 21-yrs-old !

hri nieyh xde la bgun awl sgt pom..
around kul 6.45 am, slalu nye kul 5 da bgun bsuh bju n slat sbuh p hri nieyh pnt sgt kot 
so,xsdr.. sib beq der room8 tercinta, Iba..kjut kan tuk solat sbuh..
al-maklum la da lme sgt cti berdftar,so liat cjit nak bgun slat sbuh..

suddenly, ak nmpak sumthing kat katil ak..
at fes ak pk myb room8 ak punyer,p asl elop je,shanteq je kat katil ak.
sebelom nieyh xpenah pom dorg tmpg semak kat katil ka kan..
sbb curious sgt ak pom bun la nak tgk bnde 2..

tarrraaa....2 dye 

ni lah, ak xpk byk tyme 2
so ak try ae selongkar kot2 der emas stu balang ker..

aper nieyh..??

okay,ak mmg terkejut cma xpaus hti ae,
ak pom jenguk2 ag isi kat lam pper bag 2..

finally, ak jumper nieyh

lagi lagi....

ntah nape hti ak tergerak nak bce kad 2 so ak bbk n bce,
fes ak search sape empunya kad 2 n finally ak tertera satu nme y ak sgt familiar..
btw,thx 2 him cos still ingt kat ak an snggup abeh kan duit dye tuk bli kan ak hadiah sempena bfday ak y ke -21 nieyh..

ak appreciate sgt, though 
kteoprg da xrpt cm dlu ag..
nth nper hti ak dpaut ase bersalah sgt

aser cam happy sgt
really thankful n grateful 4 dis..
rzeki ak time la..

nway,da thu gift 2 milik ak ak belek ae lagi n lagi..
thxs sgt2..
> selendang+chocs+cooked stuff+bfdays card<

actually,bfday ak lmbat ag, p ak da phm nape ak dpt awl sgt..
so,kat sini nak ckp time ksih sgt2 kat pak santa yew,,

pada geng2 ak y poyos, y konon2 xbersalah 2 thxs cos korg da bt delivery kat bilik ak ngh2 mlm nieyh..
korg mmg besh la..
hopefully bfday ak kl nieyh ak ley celebrate nga hepi cam previous clebration

y plg penting bfday kali nieyh ak blik umh, 
so ley suh mak msk sedap2...

nway,million of thxs 2 him..

Sunday, April 17

dun wory 
sy xkn disturb awk ag pasniey..
evn 4 single msg
xkn !!!
so pasni xyh la awk nk hide n seek nga sy..

sdey ???
tpi ag sdey kalo 
sy xthu sal nieyh..
xsangka mlm nieyh sy ley thu almost evrything..

xtually xsdey pom,
cos sy da mmg lupe kn awk..
lupekn awk..
n terus ..

time kasih awk penah hdir lam hidup sy 
n penah bt sy hepi..
sy appreciate sgt jasa beq awk y dlu kala..
da jdi kenangan da..

btoi la kte org..
" dun take things 4 guaranteed"
sume deal y kte penah simpan..
sy da buang jaoh2,
kat mne pom sy xsure p sume da xde..
hti sy da ksong 
n 4 sure one day ader la org len tlg isi space ksg nieyh

btw, awk..
smoge bhagia nga sumone y spesel 2..
jgn awk skitkn hti pompuan len cm awk penah bt kt sy dlu..
xde pompuan pom kt ats dunia nieyh nk sdey2 n nanges xtntu pasal..

sume y penah jdi ni, fair n square..
no bias !!!
sume amalan kte akn dpt blasan 
xpasty ble p
y pasty hri 2 akn muncul one day..
juz wait !!!


no revenge at all,
im DONE !!

Friday, April 1


kucing oh kucing
nape anda sangat2 la chumey ???

chumel nye dye !!!
cam nk cubit2 pp dye

pushi da cat
dulu tyme kcik2 dlu penah gak bela kucing
actually da miaaww..nme dye pushi belong 2 my youngest sis..
tapi nape nth tyme 2 sy pom cyunk sgt nag pushi 2..
he's so lucky
cos sy syg dye
evn sumtymes sy sgt grg nga pushi
pushi pushi..npe ko pegi dlu ???

pushi sgt ksian cos dye xde lam usia y mude..
p 4 sure ak xthu la bpe umo dye..
pushi y chumey skit n dmm panas kot..
tyme 2 ak mmg big startled larh cos ak bwu je blik dri kg n blik jew tgk pushi lam toilet..

rse nye tyme 2 ak blik kg kt melaka lama gak..
sob sob !!!
xpew la kucing y chumey better ko pegi awl..
ak pom xmo seksa ko lme2 cos ak xrase ak thu jage ko..
ak pom penah bt jht kt ko kn..?
2 ae ko nkl sgt nga ak...

pesanan kt kucing y bkl jdi belaan ak..
jgn melepas kt ats katil ak ag
t ak berang korang gk y seram..
ak nieyh nmpk je chumey (haha)
nti da marah lagi chumey tau..
opsss !!!

ak ni bkn types y freindly nga binatang
sbb 2 la kot ak nieyh mmg terkenal as manusia ego
p ak der reason nape ak ni ego
2 depends pade sape korg pada pandangan ak..
actually hati ak nieyh lembut cam kapas tau..xyh paki downy
da naturally soft
tapi yela..sume manusia xsama..
if only u can respect who i am, my famili, my frens..
only then i will learn how 2 respect u..
bukan la nk kejam+cruel
p ak nk sume jdi fair n square..
tak gune gak kat depan ko beq sampai pijak semut xmati p kat belakang maki hamun owg xtentu arah so beq ae ko tunjuk ego ko..
( semut 2 mmg xmati p bkl arwah cos..ko ag kjm seksa dye b4 ajal)
2 prinsip ak.. ak insyallah xkan bt muke if korang thu respect owg 2..
ak soe ae
ak byk belajar dari previous experience
life is seriously miserable if u dun take control of it

haaa,tgk ak da lari topics entry nieyh..

eeii,kucing mmg chumey
so, ak hrp after dis ak ley bela kucing ag
myb nieyh stu trick tuk ak lmbut kn hti ak..
t mesty chumey an men2 nga kucing
yela ak nieyh kn krs hti ckit, hti ak kn made from cement !
nk kucing
......kucing kucing kucing.....



cakkkkk !!!!! chumey ....


haaa !!!!
panjat tinggi...


Thursday, March 31

hati cement !!!

i am sorry i cant stop loving you !!!!!!!!


Wednesday, March 30

Taylor Swift - Back To December

Tuesday, March 29

Umrao Jaan film of 2006

as suprised 2 me, i did enjoyed watching 4 dis hindi muvi, Umrao Jaan n da worst part was it's really goes deep of my heart.foremost,i really attracted to her beauty,it was naturally charming..i meant aiswarya Rai. she was amazingly looked gorgeous, da same goes to her hubby looking good n cool,macho. i like it !!
okay, let sypnosise dis muvi..

this film is bout a girl named Amiran is kidnapped from her home in Faizabad by Dilawar Khan who had been sent to jail based upon the evidence presented by Amiran's father. To take his revenge, he kidnaps Amiran and sells her to a brothel in Lucknow run by Khannum Jaan. Bua Hussaini and Maulvi Sahib adopt Amiran and treat her as their own daughter. In the company of Khurshid, Bismillah, and one of the courtesan's sons, Gauhar Mirza, Amiran learns the art of being a courtesan, or tawaif.
The girl turns into an elegant, poetic beauty by the name of Umrao Jaan (Aishwarya Rai). Umrao's beauty and poetry is enough to catch the eye of Nawab Sultan (Abhishek Bachchan). The two begin a passionate romance but, when his father hears of their relationship, he disowns Nawab Sultan from his life, wealth and property. The penniless Nawab goes to stay in the house of his uncle, who is a judge in Ghari, to sort himself out; Umrao is left desolate without him and prays every day for his return.
In the Nawab's absence, Umrao catches the eye of Faiz Ali (Sunil Shetty). Though she rejects his romantic advances, he determinedly pursues her and eventually asks her to accompany him to his home in Daulatabad. Umrao accepts, but only after she learns that they will be traveling through Ghari. Along the way, the whole party is arrested after a confrontation between Faiz Ali's men and a group of state soldiers. Faiz Ali is revealed to be a dacoit whom the soldiers have pursued for years. Nawab Sultan hears that Umrao and Faiz Ali are in Ghari and goes to meet Faiz Ali in prison. Faiz Ali, who then realizes that Umrao only accompanied him so that she could meet Nawab, manipulates the information concerning his time with Umrao and implies to the Nawab that they had a sexual relationship. The Nawab confronts Umrao and, feeling that she betrayed him, shuns her and sends her back to Lucknow. Heartbroken, Umrao returns to her old life, but fate has other plans for her.
In a drunken state, her childhood friend Gauhar Mirza, who has always been in love with her, becomes frustrated at her for rejecting his advances and rapes her. Soon after, the British attack the city and she is forced to leave Lucknow. She and the refugees separate after she decides to go to Faizabad, her childhood home. There, she learns that her father is long dead. She meets her mother and brother, but they refuse to accept her because of her profession. Umrao, rejected by her family and her lover, leaves to return to Lucknow. Then, fate plays another joke on her: On her way out of the city, she encounters Dilawar Khan, the man who kidnapped her and sold her to the brothel when she was a child. Poor, wretched, homeless and injured, the man begs her for money, not recognizing who she is; she gives him her gold bangles and it is implied that forgives him. Ostracized by all and having forgiven those who destroyed her life, Umrao lives out the rest of her days in Lucknow with her poetry and ill fate.

true love.. letting him go n let him find her blessing

stand up !!!

c !!! i still can smile happily after u break my heart ..nway,thanx a lot !!!

If you surround yourself with negative people
You'll never feel setteled in or become an equal..
They'll suppress you of your spirit and rinse you dry of smiles.
So reach deep and release your inner feeling
Yeah Yeah!

So Stand Up! 
So Stand Up! Yeah

Cause you're as old as you feel you are
And if you don't reach for the moon you can't fall on the stars
So I live ur life like every day is the last, last, last

If you let a frown become your normaility
You don't set an example for the youth of our humanity
If you spend every day wishing for the next to come
Aged and lifeless is what you'll become
So Stand Up!

So in all the bad and the good
Don't think second best
Be number one
Spread some love
Don't give to receive
Strive to be happy
And live to believe

Break It Down!

So Stand Up!
So Stand Up!

im happy of being mine !!!
dun u wish of letting me down..

Wednesday, March 23

biografi sy !!! hahhaa..

i'm Nor Amy Far Ain Binti Ramli..but juz kol me amy !! i was born on 29/04/1990 and now i'm officially 21 year-old !

physically, i was 155 cm in height, my weight was 49 kg 4 dis tyme being (huhu..brt da tmbh lgi..sob~) and my 

BMI was 20.2 ( hahaha~ i've got my ideal body mass..pwittt,ahakssz~)

Based on my research :

no peribadi : 7 
elemen : air
ciri utama : kawan
sinopsis : disukai krn tarikan pengikut namun cerewet & suka berhujah (ye,i2 mmg cerewet)
tafsiran umum : suka berhujah, cerewet, popular ??? ( x kot,sy xrasa cm2 ), tarik penyokong..
warna : biru & hitam ( i luf light blue..muaahhxss~)
status BMI : 20 => Normal (mempunyai berat badan yang ideal). Kekalkan gaya hidup yang sihat melalui pemakanan yang sihat dan seimbang serta bersenam sekurang-kurangnya 3 kali seminggu.

Sangat berdikari, namun ditikam belakang. Berjauhan (mental/fizikal) menyebabkan berpisah. Mudah belanja orang, mudah kasihan orang. Terlalu mudah mempercayai orang, mudah ditipu. Selalu keluar dan tiada di rumah/pejabat.  

Bakat sebagai penceramah, suka berkongsi ilmu. Sesuai menjadi penceramah, guru dan pensyarah. Sangat berdikari, tidak suka orang lain camputangan urusannya. Sukar percaya orang lain, sukar ada rakan niaga, mudah disabotaj. Rasa kesunyian dan sendirian. Sesuai menjadi agen/middleman.

 Suka bergerak sana sini, tidak suka duduk satu tempat. Bakat pada suara, boleh bercakap dengan laju, spontan dan berhujah. Cakap lepas dan pedas. Sesuai menjadi guru, pensyarah, penceramah, ahli politik, pemasaran, penyanyi. Banyak idea, tercari-cari kekayaan/kejayaan, mudah bosan dan terlalu suka berangan.

kerjaya sesuai : Perniagaan berasaskan perkhidmatan,pertunjukan kebudayaan ,pengarang bebas , internet,stesyen TV , stesyen radio, penyampai berita, DJ, wartawan,ahli matematik, ahli falsafah, diplomat.

kerjaya terbaik : majalah, telekomunikasi ,penerbangan, kosmetik, penjenamaan, perhubungan awam, pengiklanan, fesyen, pereka, penulis, karyawan filem, jururawat, ahli psikologi.